Personal Branding ONLINE – Who are you? – The steps

For the masterclass of Meet the blogger and Blogtoday ‘Personal Branding and Video’ I made the presentation ‘Personal Branding Online’.
I uploaded it on Slideshare, the biggest sharing platform for online knowledge. 
It all starts with this question: what is your passion?

Foto door: Kirsten Koster
Foto door: Kirsten Koster

Find your niche and go out there and show yourself. Choose the right channels that fit you and the ones you want to share with. This presentation is full of inspiring examples and the steps for blogging and how to’s on social media channels like Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook, Google+ and Youtube.

You can find reports of the workshops personal branding and Video on the blogs of Kirsten Koster (intern at Blogtoday) and of Diana van Ewijk of Mamma Marketing:
– Report on the blog LifestylePearl
– Report on the blog Mamma marketing

A special thanks to the other teachers of the Masterclass:
– Jantine Vaartjes from the blog April and May, who is an example of a succesful personal brand online
– Kat Tan Conte from the site Zero the one, who taught the class about  video which got a lot of compliments from the students!




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