Make me an Influencer – developing my own startup

For the Business Accelerator of publisher Sanoma, the company I work with, I am developing a new service, which I’ve called ‘Make me an influencer’. This idea came to me because I get so many requests of colleagues and bloggers about how they can grow their influence and blog and I thought: here is a huge opportunity!

My quick pitch:

‘Make me an influencer’ is developing a service to gain online influence through social channels to help experts that want to share knowledge online and broaden their network and reach.
Our user needs to go to the website and sign up which will link the user to a personal coach and a system that helps the user create and curate relevant content to reach and engage with the right people in the right place at the right time.

Our assignment was to fill out the Value Proposition Canvas, that gets you clear on the problems your product will solve. This is the canvas and beneath you find how i filled it out for ‘Make me an Influencer’.

Value Propositions:

A service to gain online influence through social channels


– The customer gains online influence fast because the tool helps to discover the experts (global) network and curate relevant content.
– The coach/courses help master the social channels for better engagement and experts help the customer create quality content.
– In no time our customer has a broad online network and audience to show his expertise to and to engage with.


– The customer knows how to master the social channels, which content works and at what time.
– The customer will work with a tool to get suggestions of relevant content in his expertise to share in several channels at once, so he saves time.
– The customer will learn specific skills like writing, photography or editing images to improve quality of his content.


– A tool that discovers on which social and digital channels the network of a certain expertise is
– A set of prepared social channels like a blog, a youtube channel, twitter, linkedin group etc.
– A tool that recommends content to curate on different social channels at once
– A coach/courses/webinars/checklists to help master social channels
– A coach/courses/webinars/checklists to help improve skills like writing, editing, photography, finding and editing images

Customer Segments:

Experts that want to share knowledge and broaden their network and reach


– The customer broadens his (global) network and gets a lot of new clients/students/friends/colleagues
– The customer get more business opportunities like speaking opportunities, jobopenings, freelance jobs etc
– The customer can create and share his knowledge easilly to the right audience


– Find the global network of a certain expertise: aswell other professionals as students, potential clients, people who are interested in the subject etc.
– Broaden the online (and eventually offline) network
– Improve engagement with the network
– Gain (global) business opportunities
– Become more known for your expertise
– Help share knowledge easilly
– Help find more information about the expertise
– Master the social channels
– Improve writing or editing skills


– People don’t know what to share and on which social channel to get in touch with the relevant people/companies
– People don’t have a big online network and don’t know how to grow that fast
– It’s too much work to create content all the time and share it
– People only want to create the best quality ans are afraid their writing/editing sucks
– People don’t know where to find and how to write engaging content

Next weeks will be about creating a minimal viable product (according to the methodology ot the Lean Startup) to test my product! Hope you are willing to help me out. Got any questions yet?

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