Blogging is NETwerken :-)


Blogging & Networking

Blogging like a pro is hard. But I will do it more I promiss. I will go on and on till I really have RSI(I) (Repetitive Restraining Injury iPhone) from my mobile. Cause yes, I am going to be Hollands first iPhone blogger, haha.

The title of this post is a pun (fun with words) in Dutch

which combines Blogging is like working / Blogging is networking. It’s only funny in Dutch. Sorry, international readers.

I did so much networking the last 6 days that I am now ready to die. Just kidding. But I think I met over 50 new people, from whom 10 intensively. I love to get to know people in the digital and blogging scene. My week:

1. Bloggingconference THE HIVE and my presentation ‘BlogNetworks’ in Berlin, Germany
2. Bloggingworkshop for the editorial staff of weekly women’s mag VIVA in the Netherlands. Art director, stylists, journalists: they were all enthusiastic and will start soon.
3. Social media and blog presentation at Sanoma Belgium’s Mediaparadee with my manager Leonard Bukenya

My takes from these three events, the questions i got and the people I met:

– We have to start a bloggersnetwork in Belgium AND Germany. We (Sanoma) are investigating the markets right now, so it could happen! Bloggers want to join networks, because they are looking for likeminded and expertise, but also see their worth now, good for you all!

– Bloggers are beautiful people and you recognize them everywhere: they are the ones photographing and filming every step they take, everone they meet and every bite they eat.

– Blogging is not easy: it takes perseverance, being ultra-social (irl but mostly online!), working really really hard and you have to be a little bit cool, but hey, we have all these apps and filters that can help SO much 😉

Here you find my presentation about Blognetworks. Love to hear your feedback.

Soon I will be collecting Belgian and German blogs too. Hope you will help me pick the cool and promising ones!

And last but not least: The people from the big blog Frankwatching asked me to write a book in the series 60 minutes. About my visual content story: how to make and use apps, templates and sites more engaging through visuals. Come to think of it: writing about visual content has to be visually attractive, so just words won’t do.
I have to do it, because it is on my list: has to be done at least once in my life 🙂 But where is the time?

Need to read the famous book ‘Getting Things Done’ first.


  1. Farbenfreundin 23 juni, 2013 at 19:22

    Surprise! After the hive in Berlin will meet again in Amsterdam. I was so curious about the topic “visual content” and now I am so glad that you will make this workshop.
    Take care and see you in October!

  2. Michiel 25 juni, 2013 at 13:31

    Now I really need to start writing articles again 🙂


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