Blogger DNA: my keynote proposal for #SXSW14

Please click through my keynote proposal BLOGGER DNA for the conference South by Southwest Interactive (SXSW for short), I want to hear your thoughts! I have until the 26st of july to adjust and submit it. You can vote between 16th of august and the 9th of september. I will certainly call on you all to vote me in the conference. It is my DREAM!

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad

I have given it a long hard thought and concluded my keynote proposal for the conference South by Southwest Interactive should be about bloggers, because that’s a subject I know a lot about. My friend Kim Swagemakers came up with the idea of Blogger DNA and told me to back it up with good data analysis. So that’s what I am going to do: I am going to look for someone who can help me with that.

Data analysis
I want to know all about how many blogs there are in what categories and if there are relationships between engagement and category, between blogger behavior and success. So who knows a good data-analysist, since it is the most sexiest job of our century?

SXSW is like the Lowlands music festival
I have visited this conference in Austin Texas twice, in 2012 and 2013, and fell in love with it, aswell as with the city Austin. For me it is what the music festival Lowlands meant to me before, a lot of like minded people, loving what they do and ceasing the moment. Being happy, being social, sharing music or knowledge, beautiful weather and more. The real benefit here is that you don’t have to sleep on a really crowded camping. Although, that might be a lot cheaper, if they opened up some camp spaces. South by Southwest is part interactive, part music ans part movies. All mixed up, adding new components like education and health and the mix is complete.

My Dream: to speak at SXSW
The comparison with Lowlands festival doesn’t stop here. When I dj-ed, it was my goal to do a gig at Lowlands, because that was the biggest alternative music festival in Holland. And I succeeded in this, I spinned the records primetime saturday night with my dj-buddy Bonnie Kirkels in 2009. We rocked the India stage away! You can read about my dj-adventures on my blog which we kept from 2005 until 2010. And so my new goal and dream is to perform a keynote on SXSW, the biggest alternative conference in the world. Will you help me and vote for me in august?

Presentation app Haiku Deck
I have made this presentation with the iPad app Haiku Deck, and it works really nice. Especially the integration of images: your own images, or suggested ones by the app, aimed at the words on your slide. Never so easy! And off course the simple, elegant lay-out.



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