Lately everybody is talking about video in my surroundings. Advertisers want it, bloggers get more followers than ever on Youtube, Instagram launches it’s video feature and my kids can watch it for hours instead of tv. And then I got to visit Youtube headquarters this week so my head is full of video, video, video. Read more about video-networks, the biggest Youtubers, video statistics and who got from Youtube to TV.
Thursday I was visiting Google headquarters for a meeting with the manager contentpartnerships from Youtube. I wanted to talk about the possibilities for Blogtoday TV. I would love all bloggers that create videos to join Blogtoday’s TV channel so we can create our own channel for beauty, fashion, lifestyle, food and home deco. Isn’t that a nice goal?
I also am thinking about a weekly interview like the real time Tuesday night shows Fastmoving Targets is doing with 2 or 3 bloggers. Would you watch it? See the examples of FMT here. I am thinking of subjects for a tvshow like: travel, private vs. business, web shops, fashion shows, health food, beauty etc.
Multi Channel Networks like Stylehaul
The manager content partnerships I talked with was telling about Youtube’s MCN’s: Multi Channel Networks. Not everybody can start them, but sanoma as a publisher can. Unfortunately, there is no list of MCN’s yet to see which ones there are and which one you can join as a blogger. The Youtube manager also told me about publisher RTL who bought Stylehaul, the largest original video content network on YouTube for fashion and beauty. A community of more than 1700 original creators! Most popular is their DIY video of 2 minutes and 42 secs: ‘Punk out your flats’, how to apply fabric to your shoes.
Statistics: who is the biggest on youtube?
There are two websites where you can find more info about a Youtube creator: Socialblade en Vidstatsx.
The biggest on Youtube are the gamers, like the Swedish Pewdiepie with almost 10 million followers (!) who cannot walk the streets anymore without being hassled.
From Youtube to TV
A reverse trend like from online to offline, I wrote about this earlier with bloggers, is that popular Youtube concepts get transferred to TV. Examples are:
– De meisjes van Thijs
– The onion
– Upload cinema, and on Dutch TV :
Everybody on Yutube?
I think so. Every blogger thats want to grow in traffic should expand to Youtube, it’s a logical step for many. During the bloggersconference The Hive in Berlin I followed a workshop from multi-media creative Katrina Tan-Conte van In one hour I learned a lot of tips and tricks, so should you! I am doing some more video now with Instagram’s new feature, but I am planning to make it bigger in the form of Blogtoday TV.
So go on! Get your mobile and CREATE! Are you gonna?
Here is my Youtube channel:
Super interessant Kirsten, vooral omdat ik heb besloten het nu echt te doen! ‘Jenniefromtheblog’ reageerde helaas niet op mijn berichtjes op YouTube dus nu heb ik ‘Jenniefromthevlog’ aangemaakt. Kan niet wachten om te beginnen!
Dat is eigenlijk een heel goed idee! Net als de nieuwe site van de mannenbladen van Sanoma (Panorama / Nieuwe Revu) die lanceerden. Facebook heeft vriendenvanHank. Twitteraccount heet @tweetsvanHank. Grappig, maar wel onhandig qua seo.
Hi Kirsten, I wish I talked to you at the Hive! So much going on there with so many people though. Are you making videos now? I was trying to look for them but couldn’t find them! Anyway, I just finished the Hive video recap here
All the best to you and your video projects!
Kat xo
He Kat, the video is absolutely gorgeous! I got really inspired by you, tried some stuff out, but not too good yet. I will keep going, because now I am on the blog conference ‘Blogher’ in Chicago and video is booming here too. Video is a must. But I will have to learn more about it. One thing I have seen is that music is a good thing to ad when the audio is no good and you get a felling how the atmosphere/mood was. Maybe I will follow your online course.