16 Instagram tips: who to follow, making lists, hashtags

Follow me @kirst_enj on Instagram for my daily Instagramtips.  Sometimes it’s wonderful accounts to follow, sometimes hashtags, but also tips on how to use Instagram.  You can find the tips on Instagram by clicking on the hashtag #InstagramTIPjustK
I will collect all the tips on my blog too, so you have an overview of seven tips at a time if you like.

Here are the first 16 Instagram tips from the past weeks. You will find how to make lists, how to create boards, the coolest fashion bloggers, the best interiors blogs, a list of the most popular dogs and so on! Have any ideas for my Instagramtips? Let me know on Instagram or though a comment on this article.


Starting a new concept: my daily #instagramtip Check out cool dutch barbershop @schorembarbier Beautiful story, stunning pics, good tips.

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My daily #instagramtip are the dogs of instagram, supersweet. Dogs who have their own IG accounts like @harlowandsage @underbiteunite @ifitwags and @tunameltsmyheart #dogstagram Weergeven op Instagram


Daily #instagramtip The photographers of #Istanbul and #Turkey like @audiosoup @mustafaseven @sezyilmaz @sefayamak and @kthegroove All of them make the most beautiful photographs of their city and country!

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My daily #Instagramtip is #DieAntwoord The crazy wacky artist-duo Yolandi @Prawn_star and Ninja @rotgot23 Een beetje vreemd, maar wèl lekker! #InstagramTipJustK Hier op de foto met @davidguetta and photographer @ellenvonunwerth Weergeven op Instagram


My daily #InstagramTip : The smart&beautiful #fashionbloggers like @AnoukYve @Negin_Mirsalehi @kenzas @chiaraferragni @rumineely @seaofshoes and @songofstyle #InstagramtipJustK

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My daily #InstagramTip is creating albums from your Instagram pics, it’s like creating lists on Twitter. On the web, go to @iconosquare create albums and put your pics in them. Superhandy to find specific pics back fast. #InstagramTipJustK Weergeven op Instagram


My daily #InstagramTip is doing hashtag research with @websta.me Like mine just now: the most popular dog breeds on Instagram  1. #Chihuahua 2.#goldenretriever 3.#dachshund 4. #shihtzu 5.#beagle 6. #bostonterrier 7.#germanshepherd 8. #poodle The #boxer is popular too, but this word means dog as well as boxing person, so the results are not clear. #InstagramTipJustK

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My daily #InstagramTip comes with the help of @soyznl Tag your images with #FMSPhotoADay to get more visability for your pic and the chance to be featured on the IG account of @fatmumslim who has a 100k followers. For everyone and every pic, not just moms. #InstagramTipJustK Weergeven op Instagram


My daily #InstagramTIP is the cool collaboration between @IGersZurich and Tourismus Zürich to promote the city. Check out #experienceZurich and this pic from @femsta_ih

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My daily #InstagramTip: Making lists of your #InstagramFollowers in @iconosquare on the web. Go to ‘My followings’ and click on the circle beneath every follower, you can add them to proposed lists, or lists you create yourself. You can find your lists on the homepage of your feed, like you see above! #InstagramTipJustK Weergeven op Instagram


My daily #InstagramTip is the dutch womens #magazine top 10 on Instagram. Magazines op Instagram: 1. @nlvogue 30k 2. @flowmagazine 26k 3. @vtwonen 20k 4. @101woonideeen 16k 5. @grazia_nl 11k 6. @elle_nl 10k 7. @glamournl 8k 8. @fashionista_nl 7k 9. @marieclaire_nl 6k 10. @cosmopolitan_nl 5k #InstagramTipJustK

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My daily #InstagramTip The Dutch Interiorbloggers @vosgesparis @yvestown @beeldsteil @zilverblauw @femkeido @rozaschous @therealinteriorator @mliees @bintihome @accessorizeyourhome @houseofC_nl @suus_loves @aprilandmay @elveravanschaik @bloesemblog @danielledelange @interiorjunkie #InstagramtipJustK

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My daily #InstagramTip Dutch brands that are rocking Instagram! @scotch_official @schorembarbier @klm @nlvogue @vtwonen @flow_magazine @gstarraw_official Regram from @scotch_official with @repostapp #InstagramTipJustK

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My daily #InstagramTip is the #bloggerstour that takes place in Amsterdam these days. Check out the hashtag for their design-adventures like this pic where they visited the VIP room from top designer @marcelwanders Regram from @vosgesparis with @repostapp #InstagramTipJustK — Pretty special visit at the upper floor @ the VIP room of Marcel Wanders studio #westertoren #Moooi #bloggerstour #designamsterdam

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My daily #instagram tip is photographer @andy_best He is a superb storyteller in pics&text! His manifesto: I believe in life, love, and the pursuit of adventure. It’s important to stay centered but dream big. I find passion in the people and world around me. It’s in my core to work hard and love others. Simple fact, life gives you what you put into it. #Repost #instagramtipjustK — A moment I’ll never forget. I sat in the dark staring out at the final glow of the sunset. I just got done backing up footage from the day when I looked up at a massive glow in the sky. I ran over to Chad and screamed! NORTHERN LIGHTS! I set up a quick test shot and sure enough, so we tossed everything in our jeeps ran full speed out into the Badlands not knowing when it might end. Luckily it went all night and I got to experience my first northern lights in the Badlands of Alberta, while surrounded by 75 million year old Dinosaur bones. Grateful. @travelalberta #explorealberta @gerbergear #outtarange

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My daily #InstagramTip the illustrators! The ones I know personally and adore @harrietcalo  @ellenvesters @carolineellerbeck @fredoichi Other great ones: @berthodgson @donalddrawbertson @finchfight @stevesimpson #InstagramtipjustK #Repost from @harrietcalo with @repostapp — she never before saw his eyes so brilliant. did he miss her? Weergeven op Instagram

1 Comment

  1. Mary Davis 5 januari, 2015 at 10:06

    Thanks for sharing this tips. It’s really good tips. Thanks again.


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