20 Instagramtips: cool photographers, bloggers and magazines

Instagramtips from @kirst_enj to find the coolest Instagram accounts from photographers, magazines and bloggers, getting insights about using hashtags and which ones to choose, and updates on new features on our favorite social mobile app.
I post them daily on Instagram under my account @kirst_enj

This tip is for the article on Time.com called The Secret Language of Teen Girls on Instagram

My daily #InstagramTIP is creating a #video concept, like I am doing right now! #InstagramTIPjustK Een video die is geplaatst door Kirsten Jassies (@kirst_enj) op

My daily #InstagramTIP has to do with the visit to my #grandparents today, here they are. They are 88 and 90 years old and physically and mentally life is getting harder for them. As a big family (10 kids, 20 grandkids of which I am one and 22 grand-grand kids so far) we have a Facebookgroup to keep up with them and their health. My grandpa has his own Facebook account where he was very active, but it’s getting harder now. Sometimes they are feeling great like last night and my grandfather asked for an iPhone 6 on Facebook! A great-great grandson sent him a drawing of an iPhone 6, which was a joke my grandpa used to make when you said you wanted to have something, he than said: “I will draw it for you.” So the #InstagramTIPjustK of today are two special elderly on Instagram: the famous #grandma Betty @grandmabetty33 who unfortunately died in august. Her grandson started account for her and together they showed the world how to stay positive when battling cancer. She was the cutest, sweetest grandma who took selfies! A #grandpa to follow is @rexpeterborough from the UK. He tells his own story through Instagram with pics of the old days, so beautiful! You know any other great elderly on Instagram? Let me know! #family

Een foto die is geplaatst door Kirsten Jassies (@kirst_enj) op

1 Comment

  1. Mary Davis 5 januari, 2015 at 10:01

    Thanks for sharing this artical. why need followers on instagram: you have just discovered an artist on Instagram, but he only has 7 followers. The question you will ask yourself is “why should I follow him, if nobody else does?”. And now imagine the following: A person visits your instagram page and discovers that you have over 1000 followers. Then the question he will ask himself is totally different “why am I not following him, when so many people do?” Buy Instagram Followers


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