Visual diary Meet the Blogger Stockholm

Saturday the 2nd february the third Meet the Blogger event took place, this time in Stockholm. I put all te quotes and pics together on Storify. I was one of the speakers, next to bloggers Fryd form Byfryd, Will Taylor from Bright Bazaar and the girls from the digital magazine Sister Mag. It was such a good and vibrating event, I will not forget easily. The warmth of all the bloggers, the networking, the helping each other, the need for knowledge, I totally loved it.

I wrapped it up in a Storify story. Storify is a great tool to make one story of all the talk and pics and vids of an event in one place, in chronological order. I do this for every important event I go to, so I don’t miss out on great thoughts and pics from other visitors. Plus i can follow all the interesting visitors.

[View the story “Meet the blogger Stockholm” on Storify]

Meet the Blogger Stockholm
Meet the Blogger Stockholm in Instagram pics by Kirsten Jassies (champaign pic by Anna_G)

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  1. Pingback: Creating visual content - presentation Meet the Blogger | JUSTK.JUSTK.

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