This is my year in pics, a visual diary. It was a wonderful year with lots of highlights:
My kids growing up, Mauro getting his swimming certificate, moving to primary school. Juno’s first year at nursery school and her funny and loving character.
My love getting his bachelor and our family getting more happier everyday.
The trips I took to Stockholm, Berlin, London, Austin texas and Chicago.
The respect I got for sharing my knowledge on my blog and in presentations and workshops.
Thank you 2013, it was a BLAST!

2014 will bring me….
I know 2014 will be a year where the balance between work and family will be better. A year where I certainly have to explore new ways and things and ideas, go beyond my comfortzone 😉
Last year I said to myself: do more presentations and workshops worldwide and so I did.
Coming year I say to myself: Do what’s beyond your comfort-zone and think of new ideas with social, visual and the data there is.
Leuk! Ben benieuwd wat voor interessante ideeën je dit jaar hebt 🙂 Ik kijk er naar uit!