Make money with Rewardstyle

Do you know Rewardstyle?
It’s an affiliate network for brands, but especially for bloggers! The good news is that it’s not only fashion webshops where you can choose your products, they are adding European beauty and interior shops too.

Had an inspiring meeting today with 24 year old fashionblogger Amber Venz, who happens to be founder of this amazing affiliate platform for brands, but especially for bloggers: Rewardstyle.comKirstenjassies_AmberVenz_Erikaderby

(in the pic above you see me, founder Amber Venz, and my colleague from Blogtoday Erika Derby)
This company is growing fast an has beautiful and smart features for bloggers to make money with affiliate links. It even adds links to your pins, there are no other affiliate companies that are allowed to do so. Their widgets are gorgeous, you can click your own shop together with products you love and it’s ON your own website.

I’m especially in love with their ‘link-ninja’ (cute name!) This is a bookmarklet you install in the bar of your browser like the pinterest bookmarklet. That way, when a shop or site cooperates with Rewardstyle you can immediately put it on your site or social and make money of it when somebody buys it from you.

 I heard from several bloggers the percentages were lower than other networks like Zanox, but we compared and they are equal. If Sanoma starts working with Rewardstyle Bloggers who join Blogtoday will get all the benefits and more like a good deal, help with the plugin, optimizing, training etc.
Other amazing stuff Amber told was adding hot spots to your pics and connect them with rewardstyle products (they have over 2500 shops connected now!) and the feature from to do this to your Instagram pics!
And then she had some fabulous fashion/bloggers 3.0 tips, you definitely should check:
– > super interesting platform where realtime data is used to discover what’s hot in fashionland
– Glossi, making yr own digital magazines like on, but better usability and with options to make it in the tool instead of importing a PDF
– See how blogger Andy Torres from Stylescrapbook uses instagram and 52grams:
– Check the shop on blog ‘Into the gloss’ or the shop on that use the Rewardstyle API to make a sort of
storefront on their site.
–, the usergenerated platform for bloggers also uses Rewardstyle

Example of rewardstyle

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