Influencers network called fitfluential

Last week, I met some US bloggers during the Amsterdam stop of the Modenus bloggertour, #designtourCGN on twitter. We had a drink in a new conceptstore called Hutspot, you should check it out, it’s very nice and big, with cool products in the fashion and home deco category. I introduced myself telling the bloggers that i am setting up a bloggersnetwork and i wanted to know all about their US and UK networks. They were very helpful, especially Alexandra Williams from fun and fit. She and her twin sis run this blog. They joined the bloggernetwork called fitfluential.
Fitfluential homepage
Fitfluential homepage

How does Fitfluential work?

– Bloggers in the category fitness and health ca apply, but the manager of fitfluential chooses the ones she thinks are the best. All of them are in one way or another influential in the fitness and or health environment.
– Every blogger within fitfluential has to blog, tweet, use Instagram and pinterest, and has to start with video. These are the demands.
– The manager and bloggers communicate through a private Facebook group.
– When the manager has a new campaign, for example from a sportsbrand, she posts the demands of the brand on the Facebookgroup containing how many followers you should have on twitter, how many blogs you should write and how many tweets etc. Fitfluentials that meet the requirements and want this campaign on their blog can fill out an application. All the applications go to the brand and they decide which fitfluentials get the campaign.
– Brands that approach bloggers separate are always sent through to the manager. If someone get’s a campaign through ‘the backdoor’, the manager will contact the brand in question. She posts this on the Facebook page so all influentials know that this brand is doing something that is not ok, the pressure of the group works here!
Would this work in the Netherlands?
My opinion: I think this is a good organised network, but typically American. This works in a market where there are more bloggers that whant to make money than ad campaigns.
In the Netherlands there are a lot of bloggers that don’t necessarily want to make money with their blog, but most of them do want to get freelance jobs out of blogging.
Mostly these bloggers alre stylists, photographers, or webshop owners. Lifestyle/travel blogger Sabine de Witte also listened to the story of Alexandra. I am very curious about what she thinks of this network, and if this way of working could work in the Netherlands.
Tomorrow I will blog about the affiliate network and blogging & commerce in general.
Interesting: Popular Beautyblogger Miss Lipgloss is speaking about her blog & shop on the dutch webwinkelvakdagen tomorrow. You should go if you can!

1 Comment

  1. Sabine de Witte 24 januari, 2013 at 16:22

    Hi Kirsten, nice to read the summary of this evening. It was very inspiring and networks like FitFluential are very helpfull for bloggers. As a blogger I try to stay trustworthy, unique and authentic. Lots of the blogs I follow at the moment work with the same network or pr-agency and therefore, all the paid content is publised around one moment. When I’ve read a story once, I know it, I don’t want to be forced into the same content. I can’t help thinking about my readers, what they really want. It’s the ultimate challenge for a blogger; make money with all the efforts and be able to create unique content your readers like to read. Love to talk a bit more about it irl 😉


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