German blogger conference #blogst14 in Hamburg

In the weekend of 15 and 16 november of 2014 I am speaking at German blogger conference #blogst14 in Hamburg. My keynote at sunday the 16th of november is called ‘The Future of Blogging’.

Ricarda from the blog 23qmstil (interior) asked me in spring if I wanted to speak at her conference blogst in Hamburg, Germany. It’s a blogger conference visited only by German bloggers, but luckily I am allowed to present in English. My topic will be the future of blogs. I met the organizers Ricarda and Clara from Tastesheriff (food) at other blogger conferences. Ricarda at The Hive Berlin and Clare ate Meet the Blogger Stockholm.

Because you can learn so much from other bloggers I Instagram and Tweet AND select my favorites tweets and Instagrampics from other bloggers through storytelling platform Storify. Because so many people tweet and take pics, it is not necessary to write down everything yourself, but just be a good curator of this awesome content. It’s also very good for your network when you mention to other bloggers they are part of your Storify.

Here is the story in pics and tweets of #blogst14
I hope you can read a little bit of German, because alle tweets are in this language, mine are in English.

>> at the moment blogst is still on, so I am curating real time! <<

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  1. Pingback: The future of blogging - #blogst14 - JUSTK.

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