How brands can build a relationship with social influencers

In the Webinar Social Influencers: Identifying and Measuring Their Impact in Marketing from  the company Simply Measured I learned how brands can build a relationship with Social Influencers. Speakers were Jon Dick from Klout and influencer Jess Estrada.
These are the seven steps. Important steps for all marketers, communication and PR professionals!

1. Make a Plan > learn everything you can about the influencer you want to win over
2. Engage with the influencer > Retweet them or start a meaningful conversation
3. Be personal > treat them like people
4. Personalize > Use their names if they like that, personalize all communication
5. Relevant > be sure you/your brand/your campaign fits the passion and subject of the influencer
6. White glove > make sure you treat them really good
7. Show value > It’s a relationship, so it’s a two-way street

And then:
Create an experience around the brand, be specific and clear and have goals. Last but not least: MEASURE!
These are some of the slides from the webinar:

is someone influential?

Understanding different levels of influencing

How Klout measures influence

Take-aways webinar Influencer marketing



  1. Debbie 25 juni, 2014 at 12:22

    Kleine correctie: how brands can build, met een d.

    1. kirstenjassies 25 juni, 2014 at 12:35

      dankjwel debbie, meteen aangepast, op de url na… Dat leert me weer, geen schrijffouten in de url maken, want dan kan je nooit meer aanpassen! Ja, het kan wel, maar dan is de oude link dood en overal waar je ernaar verwijst op social klopt niet. meer. Bloedirritant!

  2. Debbie 25 juni, 2014 at 17:13

    Oh ja, goede tip inderdaad. Check, check, double check.


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